If your lab uses TransnetYX Genotyping services, you can easily integrate your genotype results with SoftMouse to save you data entry time and more importantly reduce any transcription errors!
Here's how it works:
If you have any questions about the steps or would like to walk through the account configuration, order generation or results upload with a SoftMouse Digital Colony Expert, please contact us at [email protected] or at 1 844 559 6322 / +1 416 492 4358 to arrange a screen share.
Note: All mentions of third party brand names or product descriptions are made strictly to illustrate compatibility. All brand names and logos are registered trademarks of their respective owners.
In order to have your TransnetYX genotype results import smoothly in SoftMouse, you will need to configure the following 2 settings in your TransnetYX account:
You are all set to Create your next TransnetYX Order in SoftMouse!
Note: All mentions of third party brand names or product descriptions are made strictly to illustrate compatibility. All brand names and logos are registered trademarks of their respective owners.
On your Mouse or Litter list follow these steps:
When your results are ready, you can then proceed to Upload your Genotype Results.
Note: All mentions of third party brand names or product descriptions are made strictly to illustrate compatibility. All brand names and logos are registered trademarks of their respective owners.
You will first need to download the results from your Transnetyx account.
Please ensure to export the results in the .csv format:
Then login to SoftMouse, and on your Mouse or Litter List, follow these steps:
Back on your Mouse List the genotypes will be uploaded!
Note: All mentions of third party brand names or product descriptions are made strictly to illustrate compatibility. All brand names and logos are registered trademarks of their respective owners.
If you prefer to fill in your Well Plate one strain at a time or at different time points, you can Generate the Order with the first grouping of mice, then follow these steps:
When your results are ready, you can then proceed to Upload your Genotype Results.
Note: All mentions of third party brand names or product descriptions are made strictly to illustrate compatibility. All brand names and logos are registered trademarks of their respective owners.
You can easily search for TransnetYX Well Plate in SoftMouse using your Mouse Filter:
All animals on Well Plate will display.
Note you can also add in the TYX Well Plate column to your Mouse List display:
Now you will see the TYX Well Plate column display.
To move it to your preferred location, simply grab the header and drag/drop it where you want it, then click Save Order.
Note: All mentions of third party brand names or product descriptions are made strictly to illustrate compatibility. All brand names and logos are registered trademarks of their respective owners.